Schrijf je in voor een tweedaags seminarie over bibliotheekdienstverlening in onze universiteit
Register now for a two-day seminar about library services at our university
How do we translate the social changes and macro trends — that have a sizeable impact on research and education at Ghent University — into new or adapted library services? How do we cooperate with key partners to make it happen?
On September 26 and 27, we’re organizing a two-day seminar to learn and discuss. You’re welcome to share your perspective with us! Every researcher, university policy developer or library staff member can contribute - we all want to keep the library's services relevant and future-proof.
Working with experiences at UGent and at university libraries in Europe, we’ve outlined a program with plenty of opportunities for participation and interaction.
At 9:30, we make a start with an overview of research policy developments. Myriam Mertens will outline the challenges of open science, Esther De Smet will explore the myriad ways to have impact with your research and Ewald Pauwels will zoom in on research software and computing needs.
Claire Knowles (University of Leeds) and William Nixon (University of Glasgow) join us for a joint keynote about the strategic choices that their universities outlined recently. The ‘REF’, the much debated quality assurance mechanism for the UK universities, has provoked a more fundamental discussion about metadata, something tasked to libraries traditionally… Both universities made their own choices, but they share a key element in focussing on a ‘positive’ research culture. In their talk, they will explain how a university library can contribute, what they have learned so far and what the next challenges are.
We round off the morning session with a panel discussion, to get a first idea of take-aways for UGent.
After lunch, we’ll move into a fully interactive workshop, to explore in more detail the possibilities for the future role and services of Ghent University Library.
The second day of the seminar starts with a panoramic view of key topics in teaching & learning at UGent. Bieke Morlion will point out the many challenges, ranging from digitisation over quality assurance and equal opportunities to life-long learning.
Gerard Nijsten (Universiteit van Amsterdam) will trace the threads connecting the many changes happening at the same time in Amsterdam: a new building for the library, digitisation of services and collections, investing in training for library staff… It all comes together in the strategic choice for ‘open knowledge’ as guiding principle for the libraries of the university, the hogeschool and the heritage collections.
Helen Clare (JISC) will reflect on the efforts that university libraries in the UK have undertaken to enhance information skills (e.g. search strategies, verifying quality of online sources…) with their communities over the past years.
We round off the morning session with a panel discussion, to get a first idea of take-aways for UGent.
After lunch, we’ll move into a fully interactive workshop, to explore in more detail the possibilities for the future role and services of Ghent University Library.
This seminar is a step on our path to renew and reformulate the vision for Ghent University Library, in which we pause to reflect on ongoing changes in the field of university libraries, in our city and in the wider society, discuss these with colleagues and stakeholders and plot a strategic course for the coming years.
When: 26 and 27 September 2022, 9h00-17h30
Free of charge, lunch included
Where: Paviljoen Charles Vandenhove (next to the Book Tower)
Registration: open for registrations via UGent Event Manager (UGent only)
Language: the morning sessions will be in English, in the afternoon interactions in both English and Dutch will be facilitated